
It seems everywhere you go food is either over-processed or over-priced. The Daily Dose is on the front lines of the revolution changing this paradigm. Led by D-squared’s culinary comrades, the Dose offers a truly natural, economically and conceptually accessible cuisine: food that is healthy for mind, body, and soul.

Our dynamic menu is constantly being updated to reflect Southern California’s best seasonal ingredients, and special items offered by our unique purveyors. Adhering to a Slow Food ethos, the Dose’s staff of culinary apostles craft these ingredients with Mediterranean and Provençal (areas which share similar climates and bounty) styling, to create an economically and conceptually accessible cuisine unique to Southern California.

The Award Winning culinary historian James Peterson notes that the American public’s often misguided, fanatic concern with their health, “causes the SALUBRITY of natural foods to be doubted while completely artificial foods go unquestioned.”

Working with our revolutionary partners-in-justice including Pedal Patch Community, Slow Food USA, Heritage Foods, and Southern California’s greenmarket system, the Daily Dose will also provide a forum for education on the movement.

The Daily Dose will serve as a meeting-spot for like-minded revolutionaries to pontificate on the movement, and will also offer classes and events designed to educate the masses and help proliferate the movement.

Food, Freedom and Coffee for all!